Thursday, April 26, 2007

Had a Bad Day

I normally am thankful for every day that I have on this planet, but every once in a while an occasion or two comes along when going to bed and making it all go away is my top priority.

Yesterday was one of those days.

I started off with a boring meeting at the hospital. I'm sure this guy had some very useful information to offer, but after an hour of dry rambling, one can only take in so much. I was putting so much effort into staying conscious that I missed the last hour of his presentation - who needs to know about Medicare anyways, right?

Back at the office I discover we are short-handed, which means I didn't have a lot of time to get the stuff that I need to work on done. My co-workers sometimes done understand how time-sensitive my work is, and I'm the one that's in the spotlight when it doesn't get done. I could feel the frustrations start to rise.

To add insult to injury I am suffering from PMS this week AND I was wearing sandals that were anything but comfortable. My co-workers snickered as I hobbled around the office and I just grumbled under my breath.

Around 2:00 one of the nurses offered to let me wear her Nurse Mates, which are white clog-type shoes. I was happy and relieved to take off those cute but dreadful sandals as I slid on these clogs that were about 1/2 size too small. As I was walking out front one of the secretaries laughed and said "man, those look STUpid!" I shot her a warning glance as another secretary said "wow, you just flipped out without saying a word!" At this point I said I needed to be left alone or else mean things will start to come out of my mouth.

The work day finally ended and I sped out of the parking lot. I had to pee, my feet hurt and I was hungry. As I got off at my exit I sighed as traffic sped up and down Hammond St. It's always so hard to get out of that intersection - it seriously needs a light there. Boiling with aggrivation I sped out in front of a car and nearly ran over a man on a motorcycle. I was so close to him he tried to kick my car! I was absolutely mortified at this point. As a fellow biker I feel extra responsible to be courteous to people on motorcycles, and now I've almost killed one. I start crying and was hysterical by the time I got to my house.

After coming very close to calling in, I put on my apron and head to Hannaford - that work environment usually cheers me up, so I figured I'd choose my attitude and put a smile on my face. Of course, everyone was asking what was wrong with me because my face was red and my eyes were red and watery - it was hard to keep my horrible day off my mind while people kept asking what was up.

Finally I broke down and went into the shift leader office. I needed to blow my nose, and there's a mirror on the back of the door so I could check for "hangers" (I'd be so embarrassed to have a booger hanging out of my nose for the rest of the night!). As I leaned into the mirror I heard one of the shift leaders burst in and the door slammed directly into my head. Down I went. Discombobulated and confused, the shift leader apologizes and helped me up. The water works came again and I excused myself to the bathroom. At this point I have hit an ultimate low and just wanted to go home.

I came back to my senses and headed back out front. One of the other shift leaders said if I started to experience any symptoms to let her know, and she'd send me home. At that point I was fine, but as the evening progressed I because increasingly dizzy and nauseated - along with a pounding headache. By 8:30 I was so dizzy I could hardly function and I called Matty to see if he'd come pick me up. He made arrangements, picked me up and had somebody else drive his van back to my house. He helped me upstairs, got my pjs out, then went back downstairs until I changed. As he stumbled back upstairs (I wouldn't let him turn any lights on) he rubbed my belly until I drifted off to sleep. He crashed on the couch that night and checked on me periodically to make sure I wasn't showing any signs of a concussion. I woke up this morning with a headache, but was able to drive myself to work.

The day is going well so far, besides the headache of course. I'd rather have head pain than more of that dizziness though - I was miserable last night.

Tonight Matty is treating to chinese food - maybe I should have him pick up a helmet to protect me from myself!


Midlife Mom said...

I almost hit someone once and I had Nick and Derek in the car with me at the time. They were just liitle then and I was so upset I almost couldn't drive home! The fact that they were in the car and would have gotten most of the impact really scared the living daylights out of me. Everytime I think of it to this day it makes me feel sick!

Anonymous said...

Well said.