Sunday, March 18, 2007

Times Are Changing

I’ve gotten a lot of mixed reactions about the recent time-change. I for one, am all about it! I’ve noticed that most of the people who don’t like it are the early risers that are up and ready to go before my alarm even goes off. It is still dark when I get up at 6:30am but my window is so small in my room, it’s usually dark no matter what time of day it is.

I find myself being active longer during the day – when it gets dark at 4 I just want to go home and put my pjs on. Now I’m more motivated and don’t want to stay in while it’s nice out. I also am getting horse fever again. During the winter it’s kind of the pits because we can’t ride outside and it gets so cold! During the warmer seasons I go to the barn much more and am looking forward to this. Aunt Louise got a new pony last year that does jumping and I kind of want to get into that. I used to jump on Big Buddy, but he would get so excited and wound up it almost scared me – even as a full-grown adult I still am just a peanut on him! He’s a gentle giant though…a little clumsy at times, but hey, nobody’s perfect right?

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