Thursday, March 29, 2007

Thankful for Thursdays

I am typing during Survivor commercial breaks - lets see how much I actually accomplish! I'm actually kind of excited because Ravu just won their first challenge. I always seem to vote for the underdog - it's nice to see when they come out of their rut - they appreciate the rewards that much more.
This morning I had a training at the Ciancette Building and had to use our new skills this afternoon in the office. We had pizza and ice cream sundaes for Doctors Day, which is actually tomorrow.
I got my first HPV vaccine today - my arm is wicked sore! I actually had to lay down because I felt queazy right after the injection...I'm so wimpy!
After my doctor appointment I swung into mom's and dropped off some salmon that my co-worker had brought in, in exchange for some left over stir fry (tomorrow's lunch! yes!). Then I ran over to Aunt Weezie's to "use the treadmill". Really, I think I was just looking for some moral support. I haven't been feeling like myself lately, and Josh's suicide has been bothering me more than I thought it would. Anywho, I was pleased to be informed that JonJon and company was delivering pizza and would be by shortly. I chatted and hung out until about 7:30ish then headed home. Now here I sit, in front of my computer, jacket still on, kitty on my lap, and my Thursday night TV shows on.
I love Thursdays ~

My Madison:
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