Friday, September 21, 2007

Fabulous Friday

Have I ever mentioned I *love* fall weather? It is just beautiful outside today! The hospital put on a BBQ for their employees today and it couldn't be a better day for the occasion.

I worked a lot this week. I had my normal Monday and Wednesday at the store, but was called in Tuesday because the closing shift leader was sick. It was kind of rough at the time, but I'll be happy when the paycheck comes :)

Thursday was the season premier for Survivor - they're in China this time. I honestly feel Survivor is running out of time...I've heard a lot of people complain about it being the same thing every time and because of that they don't watch it any more. I kind of agree, but still find myself glued to the TV every Thursday at 8. The new Grey's Anatomy is on next Thursday and I am just DYING to see it! I picked up season 3 last night on DVD so I can make sure I didn't miss any episodes and that I am all caught up on what's going on in everybody's world.

Tomorrow I work at the barn, then work at the office til noon, then working at Hannaford 4:30-10. My housework is really starting to suffer with all of this work stuff interfering with my spare time! I guess there's always Sunday...

I broke up with Matty this week. It was kind of a 'mercy' dumping. I really feel he deserves someone that will be more active in his son's life. I enjoyed the fun stuff, but when it came to changing diapers and excessive fussiness I'd remind Matty that it's HIS kid to take care of. The driving back and forth also was getting old. I do NOT want to be driving to CT every month to pick up and drop this kid off with Baby Mama (that's ebonics for mother of the child). Last time we left Saturday at 8PM, met up with Baby Mama at 2:30AM, sat around and waited while he and she chatted and played with their kid, had to stop around 7AM because we witnessed a car accident and finally got home around 9AM. Well, there went my Sunday because I needed to use the day to catch up on sleep! I think that last drive is what put me over the edge. The more I think about it, the more I realized that this was not the life that I want to live - it certainly wasn't something I dreamed of growing up. Can you imagine a ten year-old saying "I want to grow up and marry someone who accidentally knocked some girl up and now lives ten hours away!" I'll tell you one thing - if I ever heard a kid say that I'd smack 'em right side the head!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Fall Weather

One of my favorite parts of Maine is the season changes. The transition from fall to winter is my least favorite, of course, but nothing's perfect, right? The fall weather has been amazing here - cool crisp air, changing leaves...just amazing. I'll admit it gets a bit chilly in the mornings - hit the 30s today - but once the sun comes out it gets up to the 60s and is perfect with a sweater or long-sleeved shirt.

This weekend wasn't super-exciting. I had plans Friday night with a friend who was a no call/no show, so I sat on my bed surfing the net and watching Grey's Anatomy reruns. Saturday a.m. I went to Aunt Weezie's barn to do stalls, then we went to the barn where MY horse is and cleaned there. We usually only do the stalls of our own horses becuase at one point there were 19 stalls to be done, but now that they are down to 6 we were feeling generous and cleaned everybody out and gave fresh shavings. Then we all tacked up and went for a little ride. I didn't feel like putting a saddle on so I hopped on bareback. Man am I feeling that today! I guess my muscles need a little more work!

Sunday I went to church then lunch at The Muddy Rudder with Aunt Weezie, Uncle R and Grandpa W. We got to talking about the Al Brady shootout and Grandpa proceeds to tell me that he was downtown the day it happened! Al Brady was a famous mobster from the 30's and was busted in Maine when he tried to order some automatic weapons. When he and his gang went to pick up the weapons, the police and the FBI were waiting for him and shot him on the spot. Grandpa missed all the action, but when he was dismissed for lunch he saw everything all shot up and the streets were still wet from being washed down. It's a pretty significant piece of Bangor history, considering not a lot happens around here. Next month they're going to have a reinactment of that historic day. I got me a red flapper dress for the occasion - should be a good time!

Not much else going on in Fun Size's world this week besides work and more work. Next week we get Lil D again so that should be fun. I think we are going to take him to Treworgy's which is an apple orchard that also has pumpkins/gourds and a petting zoo - not to mention yummy homemade ice cream! Man, sometimes it seems like I have a one-track mind: FOOD!

Friday, September 14, 2007


It has been an interesting week, to say the least. Things have been up and down here at the office which certainly doesn't make it easy. I try to go in with a positive attitude but now that I've realize how much I've been responsible for and that it all will be taken away starting 09/24, it leaves me a bit disgruntled.

On a happier note, my allergies are almost completely under control. My dizziness only bothers me a little bit every day, and is still improving. I have to go back for additional testing in a couple weeks which I certinaly am not looking forward to, but at that time she might be making up a serum so I can start weekly allergy shots. I've never been so excited to get a shot in my life!!!

Not much going on this weekend. Tomorrow I work for Aunt Weezie then go to the barn to see MY horse. Seems like I spent more time this summer with her horses instead of mine because I was there every morning mucking up a storm! I miss going there every day, but the extra sleep sure has helped!

Well I am going to get back to work. I'm going out to dinner with my friend Jenn whom I haven't seen in like a month - it's always fun to play catch-up!

Monday, September 10, 2007

"Stuck Up"

So there's an end in sight to all of this allergies mess - I hope. This morning I went in for my testing, which was no picnic by the way, and learned that I am pretty much allergic to nature itself...super!

Have any of you ever had allergy testing? It's mainly a series of needle sticks that inject specific allergens under your skin - if you get red and puffy over certain areas, it determines what you are actually allergic to. 17 needle sticks later I find out I'm allergic to the following in this order:

1) Ragweed
2) Mold
3) Dust
4) Pollen
5) Grass
6) Cats

No wonder I'm miserable! She said it was too late in the season to start allergy injections because it takes about 3 months to build up an immunity.

Well I hate to cut this one short but I have run out of time - I had to bring clothes to change into so I can hop from job to job!

Sunday, September 2, 2007

The War Continues

It has been over a month since my allergies started to bother me, but I think I might be getting down to the bottom of this. Matty made the brilliant observation that my allergies seem to be worse when I wake up, and as soon as I leave the house I start to clear up. Thinking back I realized it had been a while since I got new pillows, and I have a lot of hand-me-down bedding. So instead of buying groceries this week, I went out and got new pillows, a new egg crate thingy and took out everything that was down including my beloved comforter. We'll see how tomorrow turns out! I sure will miss my down :(

Well Matty just showed up with Domino's pizza so I guess I should be giving him my undivided attention!